SearchDuckDuckGo - Private Search Engine

Set SearchDuckDuckGo™ as your Homepage

Below are instructions for finding the homepage setting in popular web browsers. You can also make SearchDuckDuckGo your default search engine in Google Chrome by clicking here.


     1. Click on the menu button Menu button Chrome menu or More More.
     2. Select Settings
     3. Under "Appearance", tick the box "Show Home button".
     4. Click "Change" and enter

Internet Explorer

     1. Click on the Tools popup-menu
     2. Click on the Internet Options item in the menu
     3. Click on the General tab near the top of the window
     4. Enter

Firefox (Windows)
     1. Select the Tools menu, and select Options
     2. Then select the Main tab
     3. Enter

Firefox (Mac)
     1. Select the Firefox menu, and select Preferences
     2. Then select the Main tab
     3. Enter

     1. Click on the Safari menu
     2. Click on the Preferences... item in the menu
     3. Click on the General icon near the top of the window
     4. Enter

     1. Click on the Tools menu
     2. Click on the Preferences... item in the menu
     3. Select the General tab
     4. Enter


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